Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement Versions

If you`re familiar with the Eclipse Foundation, you would know that it is one of the leading open-source software development organizations. Eclipse provides a range of software development tools and frameworks, including the popular Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

However, as with any software, the Eclipse Foundation has user agreement terms that users must adhere to. These agreements are in place to ensure that users understand their responsibilities when using Eclipse software, and to protect the foundation and its intellectual property.

As Eclipse continues to evolve and update its software offerings, its user agreements also undergo changes – usually in the form of version updates. The latest version of Eclipse Foundation`s user agreements is Version 2.0, which was released in October 2021. Here`s what you need to know about past and current user agreement versions:

Version 1.0

The Eclipse Foundation`s first user agreement, Version 1.0, was released in 2004. It was a comprehensive agreement that covered the use of Eclipse software, as well as the Foundation`s intellectual property. Some of the key terms in Version 1.0 included:

– Users must agree not to reverse-engineer or modify Eclipse software.

– Users must abide by any third-party license agreements that are required for using Eclipse software.

– Users must give credit to the Eclipse Foundation in any distributions of Eclipse software.

– Users must agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Eclipse Foundation from any legal claims arising from their use of Eclipse software.

Version 1.0 was in use for over 15 years and was superseded by Version 2.0 in 2021.

Version 2.0

Version 2.0 of the Eclipse Foundation`s user agreement was released in October 2021. It is a significant update that reflects the changes in both the Foundation`s software offerings and the legal landscape surrounding open-source software. Some of the key changes in Version 2.0 include:

– A clearer separation of terms between the Eclipse Public License (EPL) and the Eclipse Foundation Contributor Agreement (EFCA).

– A more streamlined process for submitting contributions to Eclipse projects.

– A clearer definition of the types of contributions that are subject to the EFCA.

– Clarification around the use of trademarks in relation to Eclipse projects.

In general, Version 2.0 seeks to simplify and clarify the user agreement process for Eclipse users and contributors. It is expected to be in use for several years, but as with any legal document, it may be subject to updates and revisions in the future.


As an Eclipse software user, it`s important to be aware of the user agreements that govern your use of the software. While they may seem like dry legal documents, they are essential for protecting the rights of both the Eclipse Foundation and its users. By staying up-to-date on the latest user agreement version (currently Version 2.0), you can ensure that you are using Eclipse software in a responsible and legally compliant way.

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